A host is the headmate who is most active and most responsible for day-to-day activities, or otherwise is fronting most often. Not all systems have hosts, and some may have a rotating team for the role, however this isn't the typical case.
Different types of a host may be a:
• Co-host:
A headmate that shares the duties of day to day fronting with other members of the system. They're typically secondary to a primary host, however may equally share the role between multiple members.
• Frequent Fronter:
A headmate that fronts with some regularity, however not enough to be considered a host or co-host. Which fronting behaviour classifies as "frequent" varies depending on the system.
• Frontrunner:
A headmate who regularly fronts, however doesn't front enough to be considered a host or co-host. Some systems may have multiple frontrunners, others may have one.